NIV First- Century Study Bible: Book Review

October 11, 2014

Book Review: First Century Study Bible- NIV

I recently reviewed the eVersion of this Bible, and was not able to properly review the Bible. I was fortunate to have a wonderful email send to me that described that I could request a print copy if the ebook formatting was not compatible with my ereader. So, I had the opportunity to review the print copy. 

I am thrilled that I did, I love learning new things. When it comes to Biblical learning, I dive right in head first. I would have a very difficult time trying to explain the detail of this awesome Bible, so I am providing you with a sample that you can view for yourself.

As you can see, this is a very interesting take on the words used within the Bible. It makes the Word come alive in a new way!!

This particular Bible has many different options- Hardback (which I received), soft back, and genuine leather.

Some of the many great features of this Bible-
Lots of end notes with more reading references
Topical Index to particular articles that are featured
Glossary to describe some of the terms used
Over 200 Concordance pages for your study pleasure

I am lovin' this Study Bible!!!


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