Introducing Your Family to a Healthier Lifestyle in the New Year

December 04, 2022


The new year is just around the corner, which means many of us are already starting to think about our new year’s resolutions. Sure, we tend to enjoy the holiday season first. But starting to plan the positive changes you want to implement into your life for 2023 is a project best started sooner rather than later. Knowing what changes you want to make as soon as possible will allow you to take steps that will allow you to get started as soon as we step into the new year. If you need to order anything, get anything ready or arrange appointments that will help implement the change, you can make sure that everything is ready and organised in good time. Now, one change that many of us make is implementing a healthier lifestyle. Here are a few ideas that can help you to achieve this goal for you and your family!

Quitting Bad Habits

A good place to start is quitting habits that are actively bad for your health and wellbeing. Often, this applies more to the parents of the family than the children. If you’re a smoker, you should look into ways to cut down and quit. If you use other substances, you may want to consider addiction treatment. If you drink too regularly or excessively, trying out dry January and looking into support can be useful. There’s always a way out of bad habits and to improve your general lifestyle and wellbeing.


Start eating healthier family meals. Wave goodbye to regular takeaways and junk food and start meal planning and meal prepping to provide your family with consistent, healthy, balanced meals that are genuinely enjoyable.


Exercise plays another major role in general health and wellbeing. It’s recommended that the average adult gets 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a week and you should check in on the recommendations applicable to children of the ages your kids are. The key to consistent exercise is to make sure everyone finds a form they enjoy. Get your kids to try out different teams, classes, activities and more until they find something they actually look forward to. If you find that you struggle to keep to your fitness schedule, you may want to consider hiring a personal trainer who can guide you.

Mental and Emotional Health

It’s important to remember that your mental and emotional health and wellbeing are extremely important too. With all this focus on body, it can be easy to forget. There are plenty of steps you can take to maximise your family’s mental and emotional wellbeing. If you sare experiencing problems, you may want to consider family therapy sessions that allow people to talk out their problems and struggles in a neutral environment where a professional can offer suggestions and guidance. At home, you can encourage openness, honesty and the ability to take criticism and transform it into change for the better, rather than people getting defensive.

Each of these steps can really help you to get your family on track for a healthier lifestyle in 2023!

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