Tame Oily Hair Naturally

July 25, 2016

How to Combat Oily Hair

No one likes to look like an oil slick just passed through their hair. But did you know there could be a medical reason you have oily hair? How about using the wrong shampoo for your hair type? What about over washing? Yes, over washing can cause oily hair. Keep reading to learn how you can tame the oily hair beast naturally and what could be causing it.

Hormones:  If hormones are imbalanced, which usually happens {unfortunately} during puberty and pregnancy, hormone levels can make the sebaceous glands produce more sebum than they’re supposed to. Once hormones are balanced again the production of sebum will slow down.

Illness:  Different illnesses can affect sebum production. Diseases and disorders that affect the pituitary or adrenal gland, tend to increase sebum production. Also, any disorders that affect the ovaries will have the same effect.

Shampoo/Conditioner: You could be using a shampoo that isn't right for your hair type, which usually will mess up the way your scalp responds. Only use dry and brittle shampoo and conditioners if your hair is in fact dry and brittle. Also, using non-sulfate shampoos will help slow down the oil producing process, as the sulfates strip your scalp and follicles of all oil. Once all that oil is gone, the follicle will produce extra oil to replace what was lost. Your hair needs some oils to be healthy....

Heredity: The genes you were born with play apart in how your hair will look and the way it produces sebum. There is no way to change the genetic make up you were born with.

You may not be able to completely stop you hair from producing so much oil, but there are ways to help deal with it. Here are some ideas you can try at home to see if it doesn't help with your oily hair problem.

Sulfate Free Shampoo- Again, the sulfates are harsh detergents that strip the oils right out, you need those oils to keep your strands healthy. Sulfate free cleans your hair without stripping all the oils.

Lemon juice- This has vital vitamins and minerals that promote healthy hair and it can also help keep excessive oiliness at bay. Squeeze out the juice from one small lemon, dilute it with a cup of water, mix well and apply to your scalp. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse with warm water and a mild shampoo. The lemon juice is also an effective way of getting rid of shampoo buildup on your hair.

Tea Rinse-Tea contains an astringent substance called tannic acid; this helps to prevent the buildup of excessive oil on the scalp by tightening the pores. Dip a tea bag in some warm water and apply the resulting tea to your scalp. Leave on for a few minutes and then rinse out with a mild shampoo.

Apple cider vinegar -this also has an astringent effect that helps to reduce the oil buildup on hair. Dilute about one-fourth cup of apple cider vinegar to a litre of water; pour this liquid into a spray bottle and spray on your hair. Leave on for a few minutes and then rinse the vinegar out with some warm water.

Limit Hair Washings- Try limiting how often you wash your hair. I know this sounds counter productive, but wash only once to twice a week. This gives your scalp a chance to regulate itself from all the stripping, adding, stripping, adding of artificial oils in conditioner. Just like our internal organs need a break, our outer organ {skin} needs a break too.

While in between washes you may {ok, you probably will} experience an oil slick effect. Don't fret, this is natural. Your body has to regulate its sebum production after all the abuse it has gone through. It may take a couple weeks, maybe longer to regulate. Just apply some cornstarch to the roots of your hair and rub in. Brush through to distribute if needed. Eventually it will regulate and the oil will be less. 

Now, you may still have a bit of oily hair if this hair type is inherited, but it shouldn't be to the extreme. Applying cornstarch will help soak up the extra oils. 

Just remember, you get out of your hair what you put into your body. Think about your diet...if it's high in fats and sugar, your hair will reflect that. Try a low glycemic and low sugar diet and see if this doesn't improve the health of your hair....

You ever hear the saying....You are what you eat.....Well, it's true....

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